Cash On Delivery is available within Lebanon

Cash On Delivery is available within Lebanon ⋆

Bath Bomb

A funny, safe and healthy way to discover how some chemicals work when interacting with water is a bath bomb. Kids love playing in the water, so whenever there is a chance to use this fluid to teach them something we should never hesitate.

This kit will ignite your kid’s love for chemistry and will leave them with some questions that could lead them to further experiments, study, research, and impact their future directions.


Volcano Blast

A volcano blast is a breathtaking event for kids and adults alike. Taking this event and putting it into the hands of kids gives them a sense of control, power, and magic. Instead of turning the kitchen upside down, now they have a colorful kit
that makes wonders. They can sit in their playground corner at the house, and focus their energy on creating something they would be proud of.
